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Skeet Shooting

Charlie Quasney

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As the semester comes to an end, and the senoirs have endured the gauntlet of licensure exams, a group of dental students, faculty, and friends decided to participate in the First Annual ASDA Skeet Shooting Event. The event was held on Sunday, March 29th. It was a beautiful and relaxing day filled with plenty of fun and gunpowder. The rules were simple, the 4-person team with the highest number of broken clays after a 50 target round, wins it all. Also, the individual with the lowest number of clays broken was graciously awarded an extra box of shells for practice. The event brought shooters of all background and experiences, which made the competition tough! After a couple of warm up rounds and over 800 clays flying through the air, one team came out on top. Logan Barnes, Kevin and Lightsey Jett, and Rick Furman were able to snipe enough clays out of the sky to take home the top prize. The "prize" for the least clays shattered was a tight race! Dr. Albenesius thought he had this one in the bag; however, one student's sights were a little more off than Dr. A's. Bryn Allen came in mediocrely room temperature with a score of 17 and the proud new owner of a fresh box of shotgun shells. All in all, we had a great time and appreciated the support from all the faculty, students and friends. Hopefully, this event will be held yearly to carry on the much needed fun and stress-relief following a tough year of classes, clinic and board exams.

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