On Saturday, September 24th, the MUSC chapter of the American Student Dental Association held our annual fall golf tournament, the Prophy Cup. The tournament was staged at Dunes West Country Club. Nationally acclaimed by Golf Magazine and Golf Digest as a “Top 10 Resort Course”, Dunes West’s championship golf course designed by Arthur Hills takes full advantage of its spectacular lowcountry setting.
The opening holes have generous landing areas and beautiful green settings complete with the undulation and bunkering that are the Arthur Hills signature. The back nine features some beautiful marsh and water views culminating in the 18th hole’s challenging finish on a dual green split by the marshes of Wagner Creek.
The tournament fielded twelve teams- two faculty teams, an Academy of General Denistry team, and the rest were composed of students and their guests. Congrats to our winners! Here are the results:
3rd Place: Dr. Cary Bocklet, Ravi Patel, Lauren Ziegler, Michael Bocklet (57)
2nd Place: Lauren Tomlinson, Stacey Tomlinson, Andrew Lane, David Tomlinson (52)
1st Place: Sims Tompkins, Dylan Sobin, John Storie, Mickey Brown (47)
Long Drive – Sims Tompkins
Long Drive – Lauren Tomlinson
Long Putt – Michael Bocklet
Closest to Pin – Dr. Hamil
Closest to Pin – Lauren Tomlinson
We’d like to extend a special thanks to Dunes West for doing a great job hosting our tournament, as well as to our faculty that played- we enjoy having y’all as a part of the fun and hope to have you back next time!
Our next tournament will be the Alumni Tournament on Sunday, April 30th, location to be determined, so stay tuned for more info to come!