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2019 ASDA Welcome Week

McKenzie Thomas

June is an exciting month for our College of Dental Medicine! To start it off we hosted our third annual Welcome Week! A week that gets our entire student body involved, with emphasis on welcoming our new D1 students to the MUSC CDM Fam!

Monday, June 10: Membership Benefits

· D1 ASDA Informational Lunch | Pizza Provided

· Freshman Welcome Back BBQ | James Island County Park | BBQ Dinner

Tuesday, June 11: Advocacy

· D4: Welcome Back. Here’s a Snack | sweet treat snacks in class

· D1-D4: Advocacy App Scavenger Hunt

o Congrats to our winners!!

§ Jordyn Meyer (D1)

§ Carlos Restrepo (D1)

§ Priya Patel (D2)

§ Keith Tormey (D2)

§ Julia Filler (D4)

Wednesday, June 12: Student-Driven

· D3 RELaXium: A D4’s guide on how to survive Clinics

Thursday, June 13: Wellness

· D1: #BeWellASDA Breakfast | fruit and yogurt parfaits before Anatomy class

Friday, June 14: D3 White Coat Ceremony (Hosted by the school)

A week that comprises ASDA as a whole, and a great way to get that #ASDAFever started for our year!! With our entire student body as ASDA members, we feel it is important for our chapter to be intentional at the start of each school year, making our new class feel not only welcomed, but confident in all the benefits they receive as members of ASDA! The entire week is also a great way for the rest of us to get to know our D1’s, right from the start!

From our informational lunch explaining all the benefits and aspects of ASDA, everyone coming together for the welcome picnic, our fourth years taking time to explain all the daunting aspects of our clinic’s patient dental software, and adding in a taste of wellness to the week, we had such a great time!! Overall, with our attendance rates increased, positive feedback from students, along with our new initiative with our D4 Welcome Back Here’s a Snack, we were so encouraged about the organization and outcomes of this year’s welcome week. As always, we will continue to make improvements, and excited for our chapter’s year!

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