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Upon graduation from dental school, students face many different career options. From traditional private practice and advanced education programs to research and public health, there is a wide range of opportunities. How do you decide which road to choose? When you begin dental school, seek the advice of mentors and get involved early. By participating in school activities, organizations and volunteer projects, you will be exposed to many facets of dentistry. Shadow professionals in a variety of specialties, learn practice-building business skills, and create networks. Have as many contacts as possible—you never know who can point you towards an opportunity! Most importantly, keep an open mind. Get your feet wet in every area of dentistry and see what interests you the most. Have confidence in yourself and pursue what fascinates you. Confucius once said, “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”

Educational Resources

Postdoctoral Application Services

American Dental Association: Dental Education Programs

ADA Information on Dental Specialties

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